Hecatia Lapislazuli - Respect Thread

Hecatia Lapislazuli

Name: Hecatia Lapislazuli

Origin: Touhou Project

Gender: Female

Age: Predates reality itself

Classification: Goddess of Hell, Divine Spirit, istri rizky.

Hecatia Lapislazuli (^ カーティア・ラピスラズ IJ Hekātia Rapisurazuri) is a Goddess of Hell. She first appeared as an Extra Stage Boss in Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, and has made further appearances in the print works Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia, Grimoire of Usami, and Visionary Fairies in Shrine.


>> Terminology

Roh Ilahi: Roh Ilahi adalah jiwa yang telah meninggal yang menjadi dewa melalui iman yang mereka terima setelah kematian mereka. Meskipun biasanya dianggap berbeda dari Delapan Juta Dewa, mereka memiliki karakteristik yang cukup untuk dianggap sebagai variasi dewa lainnya.

Delapan Juta Dewa: Delapan Juta Dewa adalah makhluk tanpa materi dan tanpa nama yang ada sebelum penciptaan itu sendiri dan membentuk dunia menjadi seperti sekarang ini. Dewa-dewa ini awalnya tidak memiliki nama, hanya ada sebagai makhluk tak berbentuk tanpa identifikasi. Sebagian besar dari mereka mendapatkan nama dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, menjadi semua dewa. Mereka memakan iman, mirip dengan bagaimana youkai memakan rasa takut, dan membutuhkannya untuk bermanifestasi. Sementara dewa tidak akan mati tanpa iman, mereka tidak akan dapat bermanifestasi tanpanya, secara efektif menghasilkan semacam kematian.

Peri: Peri adalah makhluk yang berbeda dari manusia dan youkai yang mewujudkan bagian dari alam. Mereka ada di mana-mana alam dan tumbuh dalam kekuatan relatif terhadap seberapa kuat atau menyajikan aspek alam yang mereka wujudkan. Selama aspek alam tersebut masih ada, mereka akan terus ada juga, beregenerasi dari segala jenis kerusakan.

Gensokyo: Gensokyo adalah Dunia Lain di mana sebagian besar seri berlangsung. Ini dipisahkan dari Dunia Luar melalui Penghalang Besar Hakurei. Meskipun secara geografis identik dengan lokasi Dunia Luarnya, ia tidak mengikuti hukum fisika yang sama seperti sebelumnya.

Penghalang Hakurei Besar: Penghalang Hakurei Besar adalah penghalang yang memisahkan Gensokyo dari Dunia Luar. Itu bukan penghalang fisik atau biasa, karena sementara itu memisahkan ruang-waktu dan mencegah makhluk hidup mendekati tepinya, itu memungkinkan benda-benda non-hidup dan fenomena alam untuk melewatinya dengan bebas. Terlebih lagi, makhluk dan ide yang terlupakan di Dunia Luar cenderung lebih mudah melewati penghalang.

Nama: Nama secara kasar setara dengan konsep suatu objek. Namanya mendefinisikan karakteristiknya dan memisahkannya dari seluruh dunia, menjadikannya objek independen. Objek tanpa nama tidak memiliki karakteristik yang ditentukan, menyatu dengan yang lainnya. Sebagian besar dewa, termasuk semua naga, tidak memiliki nama untuk memulai.

Dunia Lain: Dunia Lain adalah Dunia Brane kecil yang secara kasar terkait dengan dunia utama. Dunia-dunia ini memiliki ruang-waktunya sendiri dan, terkadang, hukum fisikanya sendiri. Mengakses dunia-dunia ini dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa cara tergantung pada Dunia Lain yang bersangkutan atau melalui jangkauan belaka. Gensokyo, Neraka, Ibukota Bulan yang sebenarnya, Dunia Impian, Surga, Makai, dan Senkai adalah contoh dari Dunia Lain.

Dunia Luar: Dunia Luar mengacu pada apa pun di luar Dunia Lain yang disebutkan di atas, kira-kira sesuai dengan "dunia nyata". Seluruh Bumi, dan mungkin seluruh alam semesta biasa, berada di Dunia Luar. Youkai dan dewa sangat langka di lingkungan ini, karena umat manusia pada umumnya tidak lagi mempercayai mereka.

Phantom: Phantom adalah perwujudan dari roh yang ditemukan dalam segala hal. Mereka secara kasar menyukai apa itu peri bagi alam, meskipun hantu jauh lebih mudah berubah daripada peri. Mereka sangat berbeda dari hantu, karena hantu hanyalah jiwa manusia yang sudah mati, sedangkan hantu dapat dihasilkan oleh apa saja, apakah itu hidup atau mati.

Aturan Kartu Mantra: Aturan Kartu Mantra adalah seperangkat aturan khusus di Gensokyo yang mengatur sebagian besar duel antara dua individu. Duel yang diperjuangkan di bawah aturan ini tunduk pada sejumlah batasan, tetapi yang paling penting adalah duel harus dimenangkan dengan makna dan keindahan, bukan kekuatan belaka. Mereka diciptakan khusus untuk memungkinkan pertarungan tidak mematikan antara manusia dan youkai dengan cara yang tidak akan menghasilkan pertandingan sepihak karena manusia terlalu kuat. Dengan demikian, memungkinkan youkai untuk terus "menyerang" manusia tanpa benar-benar membunuh mereka. Hampir setiap pertarungan yang ditampilkan dalam seri ini tunduk pada aturan ini, termasuk pertarungan di luar Gensokyo.

Youkai: Youkai adalah ras utama yang menghuni Gensokyo. Mereka adalah makhluk yang lahir dari ketakutan manusia akan hal yang tidak diketahui, sering kali mengambil bentuk penjelasan supernatural di balik fenomena yang tidak diketahui. Karena itu, mereka membutuhkan manusia untuk takut dan percaya pada mereka agar bisa eksis. Kebanyakan youkai murni tidak sepenuhnya ada dalam bentuk fisik, dengan inti dari keberadaan mereka adalah mental dan berada di luar hukum fisika.


Boundary = Dualitas

Boundary = Nama = konsep



In the beginning, nothing in this world had a name. It was a world in which all things were mixed together in chaos. However, the gods in those ancient times gave a name to every last thing, and so the orderly world we see today was born. When naming something, a new border is created that makes it recognizable as one thing. You could say that the power to name is the creation to produce the object from nothingness, clearly the same power as a god’s. And because of the strength of this power, the things themselves remember their names. And that’s why I can see those names in them.

"Nama" disini setara dengan konseo seseorang, tanpa nama, orang tidak akan bisa dikenali sebagai sesuatu, tanpa nama, realita akan runtuh dan menjadi sebuah objek single di mention dalam Perfect memento of strict sense



The ability to manipulate boundaries is a terrifying ability capable of fundamentally undermining reality.

As far as we know, everything is built upon the existence of boundaries.

If there was no water surface, there could be no lake.

If there was no sky line, neither mountain nor sky could exist.

Were it not for the Great Barrier, even Gensokyo itself wouldn't exist.

If there were no boundaries, everything would probably exist as a single enormous object.

Ok, jadi Boundary=Nama=Konsep, karna jika realita ini tidak memiliki boundary, maka dia akan menjadi sebuah benda single yang massive, begitu juga dengan concept


Boundary = Duality

Why? Karna Boundary adalah batasan di antara 2 hal seperti siang dan malam, hidup dan mati dan lain lain


A boundary is the border between two things, such as land by land, life & death, or day & night. Taken to its most extreme conclusion, a boundary defines something as otherwise, there would be no difference between anything. Thus anything that exists by definition has a boundary, whether it is a tangible physical object or an intangible esoteric concept. Gensokyo is protected by a boundary called the Great Hakurei Barrier in order to keep it isolated from the outside world. Yukari Yakumo is a noticeable youkai who's got full manipulation over boundaries.



>> Feats and ability and hax with scan

Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Curiosities_of_Lotus_Asia/Chapter_15

In the beginning, nothing in this world had a name. It was a world in which all things were mixed together in chaos. However, the gods in those ancient times gave a name to every last thing, and so the orderly world we see today was born. When naming something, a new border is created that makes it recognizable as one thing.

You could say that the power to name is the creation to produce the object from nothingness, clearly the same power as a god’s. And because of the strength of this power, the things themselves remember their names. And that’s why I can see those names in them.

"Name" here, is the equivalent of someone's concept, without name, one would not be recognizable as a something, without names, reality as a whole will collapse and turns into one singular object, mentioned in Perfect Memento in a Strict Sense


Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Yukari_Yakumo

The ability to manipulate boundaries is a terrifying ability capable of fundamentally undermining reality.

As far as we know, everything is built upon the existence of boundaries.

If there was no water surface, there could be no lake.

If there was no sky line, neither mountain nor sky could exist.

Were it not for the Great Barrier, even Gensokyo itself wouldn't exist.

If there were no boundaries, everything would probably exist as a single enormous object.

So boundaries=names=concepts. Now we're ready to dive in deeper.

So, we know that the Deities in Touhou are omnipresent throughout nature, they exist as an idea, an abstraction throughout nature and can access countless otherworlds, therefore why they have their 2-B (Multiversal) range.

But, the thing is we know that the deities true form are conceptless, this is mentioned multiple times.


Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Yaoyorozu_no_Kami

Since they're formless, you can't touch or converse with them.

As for what their true forms are, they were in the form of all things before they were given names.

Even when given a name, the gods' effects are faintly perceptible.

These gods inhabit many different objects, but don't inhabit anything without a physical form.

They run the full gamut from the fearful to the friendly, from the noble to the humble, and so on.

Here, we have Perfect Memento in a Strict Sense stating that they originally exist as a being without concepts, not as an idea.


Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Curiosities_of_Lotus_Asia/Chapter_15

At the same time that the power to name is a god’s power, the gods themselves didn’t have names in the beginning.

Like with Takemikazuchi no Mikoto or Hachiman, the names of the gods we are familiar with nowadays only represent but one aspect of these gods. Takemikazuchi no Mikoto was originally Mikatsuchi (Pot Spirit), and just as the name implies, he was a god lodged in a jar. When his name changed to Takemikazuchi, he changed from a god of sorcery (as implied by the ‘pot’ character) to a god of swordsmanship (implied by the ‘thunder’ character).

By changing its name, a god changes its nature, which is evidence that a god’s name is only one aspect of their selves. 

In the beginning, the gods had a much more ambiguous shape, so they were nameless entities with no particular distinctions.

They are nameless, and name=concept, so these Deities actual true form doesn't exist as an idea.


Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Symposium_of_Post-mysticism/Part_5

From the Shinto perspective, gods are the true nature within all things. Originally, gods exist namelessly in nature or in tools.

Here we have Kanako stating that deities exist namelessly, in nature or in tools.


Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Symposium_of_Post-mysticism/Part_5

Byakuren: Doesn't that contradict the fact that you yourself have a name?

Kanako: When gods are named their powers are restricted, but they receive an identity. They lose the ability to exist within anything, becoming almost the same as youkai, but in return receive an ability to be reborn by their myths.

Byakuren: So basically, gods are youkai whose ability changes according to myths?

Kanako: However, if they lose their faith, they will gradually return to their former existence. As for youkai, they disappear when forgotten, so they threaten people in order to prevent that. However for faith, it does not work the same. If a god did nothing but threaten people, it would lose faith and become a mere youkai.

Marisa: Now that you mention it, I met a harvest goddess before, but I couldn't tell her apart from a youkai.

When a deity is given a name, they have a form to interact with the world, basically creating an avatar.

This quote is obviously referring to the avatar, they have a physical body now, of course they can't be omnipresent. But this doesn't mean they lose the ability to be omnipresent as a true form, when they're named, their "true form" isn't the form of all things before they are named, instead, when they're named, their true form changes to an idea that exist across existence. But this named version of them is only an aspect of the Primordial Form so it's kinda complicated.


This is supported by a statement saying that the deities nature change on how they're named

Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Curiosities_of_Lotus_Asia/Chapter_15

At the same time that the power to name is a god’s power, the gods themselves didn’t have names in the beginning.

Like with Takemikazuchi no Mikoto or Hachiman, the names of the gods we are familiar with nowadays only represent but one aspect of these gods.

Takemikazuchi no Mikoto was originally Mikatsuchi (Pot Spirit), and just as the name implies, he was a god lodged in a jar.

When his name changed to Takemikazuchi, he changed from a god of sorcery (as implied by the ‘pot’ character) to a god of swordsmanship (implied by the ‘thunder’ character).

By changing its name, a god changes its nature, which is evidence that a god’s name is only one aspect of their selves.

In the beginning, the gods had a much more ambiguous shape, so they were nameless entities with no particular distinctions.

Read below.

Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Symposium_of_Post-mysticism/Part_5

Kanako: Unlike youkai, gods can change their own nature themselves.

The stories that are created to do so are called "myths". Using these, we can freely change our own natures.

Currently, I'm in the middle of creating a myth together with the humans and youkai of Gensokyo, but because I'm not receiving faith well as a mountain god, I am gradually planning to become a god of technological innovation.

Miko: Gods can change their divine blessings that easily?


And here, we have PMMiSS stating that they were in the form of all things before getting a name, further implying these deities has a form beyond their true form, a primordial form.

Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Yaoyorozu_no_Kami

Since they're formless, you can't touch or converse with them.

As for what their true forms are, they were in the form of all things before they were given names.

Even when given a name, the gods' effects are faintly perceptible.

These gods inhabit many different objects, but don't inhabit anything without a physical form.

So, a deity's true form before having a name is the form of namelessness (The form of things before having a name), when a deity achieved a name, it's true form changes into an idea/will across all of existence. But the true form of a deity that has taken a name can still exist without concept (name/boundary) as the primordial form it originally were.

Therefore, the primordial forms should have Lack of duality and Non Existence Physiology. Lack of duality is due to the primordials being Lack of Boundaries which created every dualities in the verse, and Non Existence Physiology is due to gods primordial form are conceptless being and also described as nothingness.

Also Omnipresent, touhou gods Exist as an idea that spreads across the touhou universe.


*Supporter feats for Transduality*

Gods di touhou itu exist sebagai makhluk yang nameless dimana jika mereka exist sebagai makhluk yang nameless maka mereka akan lack of name, dimana "nama" ini equal dengan Boundary & Concept, bisa dibilang mereka jadi makhluk yg lack of concept, boundary (Duality).


*As for what their true forms are, they were in the form of all things before they were given names.*


Disini dikatakan bahwa "true" form touhou gods adalah mereka sebelum diberi nama


Proof ke 2

From the Shinto perspective, gods are the true nature within all things. Originaly, *gods exist namelessly in nature or in tools.*



Kurasa itu sudah cukup untuk membuktikan bahwa touhou gods primordial form mereka exist sebagai makhluk yang lack of Boundary (Duality)

Conclusion :

Transduality type 2

And other transduality benefits


Note : Abstract Existence type 1

Touhou gods exist as an idea that spreads across the universe, and could multiply itself with equal power to the real one

(Type 1; The true form of a God exist sebagai ide yang dapat menyebarkan dirinya dan memiliki kekuatan yang setara dengan tubuh aslinya)


Note : incorporeality n shape shifting

Sementara kebanyakan dewa mengambil bentuk manusia, bentuk yang mereka ambil sebagian besar tidak berarti.



She's a goddess of Hell, but also a goddess of the Earth, of the Moon, and of the many Otherworlds that exists throughout reality.

That's something that she also states here:

Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Legacy_of_Lunatic_Kingdom/Story/Marisa%27s_Extra

Nah, it's fine. As long as I'm on Earth, I'm an Earth goddess.

We can see that the type of goddess she is can vary depending on the body she has.

So why is this important?

Because through this we could interpret way better her main ability of having three bodies. In short, this isn't just, well, having three bodies, but also, this is having manipulation of each world she represents with each body.

There are three things that supports this idea:

First we have that with each body she gains different abilities related to each world she is at the moment.

For example when she is in her Otherworlds body she can manipulate flames from Hell and Otherworlds, when she is in her Earth body she can manipulate the impurity within oneself (which in-verse is a concept related to earthlings), and when she is in her Moon body she can manipulate... well, moon stuff. It seems that when she changes from each different body she gains the ability to at least manipulate aspects of each one of those worlds.

Next we have that she apparently was manipulating the Dream World to kept trapped the lunarians in there, and that she also was capable of releasing them at the moment she was requested to do so. Look that this was made by the Hecatia from the Otherworlds, and don't forget that the Dream World could be considered as one of the Otherworlds.

And last we have this from her profile in Strange Creators of Outside World:


Link : https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World/Who%27s_Who_of_Humans_%26_Youkai_in_Gensokyo/Hecatia_Lapislazuli_and_Clownpiece

A goddess who administers the Hells of the Moon, Earth, and Otherworlds, she has a body in each world that is capable of moving freely. She once governed Hell, but now spends her time freewheeling and acting like an outlaw.

She seems to have control of the Hells existing throughout every world, potentially being capable of manipulating them. That could also be the main reason why she can manipulate aspects of each world when she changes between her different bodies.

So what kind of ability should be this? Well, I think that with all of the things showed this could be

 *Reality Warping and Law Manipulation, possibly Space-Time Manipulation*.


Note :

Phisycs Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Fate Manipulation & Probability Manipulation 

(Gods created the three layers that compose the world, of which the first is capable of manipulating the physical world and it's laws, the second being capable of manipulating abstract concepts such as sorcery, the spirit, mind and emotions, and the third being capable of manipulating history, causality, and the memory of the world).


>> Statistik

Attack potency :

Low Universal, berpartisipasi dalam pembuatan realita (paling atas)


Durability :

Low Universal (sama kyk Attack potency)


Range :

Should be universal, bisa nge akses nerakanya bumi, nerakanya bulan dan Otherworlds.


By : Rizky / Artemist

Publish : Fabyo 


Tambahan : Jika ada perubahan tentang char diatas, segera konfirmasi langsung ke COG COMMUNITY



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