Mio Takamiya
Name : Mio Takamiya
Origin : Date A Live
Gender : Female
Age : 30
Classification : The Spirit Of Origin, Code Name = Zeus
Mio Takamiya (X, Takamiya Mio?) is a mysterious person connected to both Shido and Mana's past. She is also known as the Spirit of Origin (始原の精 Shigen no Seirei?), due to her existence being the source for the appearance of other Spirits. she was summoned into the world by Sir Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott, Ellen Mira Mathers, and Elliot Baldwin Woodman Isaac. However, her summoning also caused the first spacequake in history at some point of the frontier between China and Mongolia, killing over 150 million people and starting a chain of similar disasters around the world that would last approximately six months.
>> Terminology
[ Spirit Physiology / Terminology ]
• Angel.
Angel adalah atribut wajib para Spirit di Date A Live Verse, Angel dikategorikan sebagai senjata bagi para Spirit untuk menyerang maupun bertahan. Segi bentuk, Fungsional & Kekuatan yang dimilikinya pun beragam & bervariasi.
• Demon King.
Demon King adalah pembalikan dari Angel yang memiliki Ability serupa, Namun level kekuatan yang dimiliki Demon King biasanya mengalami peningkatan signifikan ketimbang Angel, Ini mirip seperti Statistic Amplification tapi bukan Statistic Amplification.
• Reiryoku.
Reiryoku adalah Spiritual Energy / Energi Alam. Berkat Reiryoku, Spirit mampu hidup & mengeluarkan kapabilitas kekuatannya.
• Spacequake.
Spacequake adalah gempa ruang yang terdistorsi, Kemampuannya dijelaskan mampu melenyapkan apa saja yang dilaluinya.
Untuk penjelasan lebih lengkap dan lebih jelas bisa liat link dibawah:
>> Feats & Abbility
[ Main Weapon ]
Angel :
<Ain Soph Aur> ( <Henet> )
<Ain Soph>
[ Limited Power Nullification ]
Astrall Dress milik Mio dapat membatalkan serangan yang Shido luncurkan. dari dialog dibawah dinyatakan bahwa Shido dengan se-gudang angel yang dia miliki bahkan tidak ber-efek apa² di depan Mio,terbukti saat dia akan meluncurkan serangan dengan angelnya, Mio yang hanya mengucapkan kata "Percuma saja" dapat spontan langsung menghilangkan kekuatan angel yang Shido gunakan.
Note : New Statement
Bahkan "Hujan" peluru dari kurumi tidak meninggalkan bekas luka sedikitpun dengan kata lain peluru yang kurumi luncurkan terhenti sesaat sebelum menyentuh Mio.
[ Immortality (Type 1) ]
Mio meng-klaim bahwa dirinya tidak bisa mati ataupun Bunuh diri.
[ Memory Manipulation ]
5 Tahun lalu ingatan Shido telah dihapus oleh <Phantom> / Mio, Tak hanya Shido,Kotori & Kurumi pun turut menjadi korban.
[ Law Manipulation & Reality Warping ]
Via Angel < Ain Soph >
Note : <Ain Soph> dapat membuat ruang dimensi yang ia sebut sebagai "Dunia tetangga" Yang mana di "Dunia Tetangga" tersebut segala hukum dunia yang ada tidak berlaku lagi, justru sebaliknya, Mio lah yang memegang kendali penuh atas dunia nya tersebut dan segala hukum alam,logika, ada dibawah kendali Mio.
Note : Menyerang Mio di-dunianya sendiri sama halnya dengan bunuh diri.
Note : Dan Tidak ada satupun Makhluk yang dapat melarikan diri dari ruang dimensi yang Mio buat karna segala hukum yang ada telah di atur se-demikian rupa oleh Mio dan Mio pun mengatakan bahwa Dunianya ini dapat melakukan apa saja yang Mio bayangkan.
Note : Mio yang sedang menulis ulang hukum dunia.
[ Death Manipulation ]
Via <Ain Soph Aur>
Note : Angel Mio yang dikenal sebagai "Malaikat Maut". Tentu, sesuai dengan nama tersebut, Makhluk hidup apa saja yang terpapar oleh kekuatan dari <Ain Soph Aur> akan secara instan terbunuh.
Note : <Ain Soph Aur> secara merajalela membunuh apa yang tidak bisa dibunuh.
Note : Bahkan eksistensi yang tak bernyawa sekali pun seperti Robot & Kapal tempur dapat dihancurkan dengan mengabaikan durabilitas yang ada.
[ Existence Erasure ]
Kartu truf Mio, Angel <Ain>. Pertarungan melawan anaknya sendiri yaitu Tohka Yatogami yang memakai final swordnya yaitu <Halvanhelv> & didukung kekuatan Inverse memaksa Mio untuk membuka kartu trufnya yaitu <Ain>.
Note : Dalam sekejap Tohka ternyata berhasil merobek & melukai Mio dengan kekuatan penuhnya tersebut namun, Mio menyatakan bahwa Tohka Hilang.
Note : Tohka dinyatakan Lenyap, karena Angel <Ain> sejatinya memiliki kekuatan untuk mengabaikan semua hukum alam yang ada dan dapat menghapus target sepenuhnya menuju ketiadaan.
[ Teleport ]
Mio mampu berpindah lokasi yang mana asalnya dia berjarak beberapa meter dari Shido tiba tiba ada dibelakang Shido.
Note : Tak hanya itu, Shido pun dipindahkan ke tempat yang jauh dari lokasi pertarungan agar tidak mengganggu Mio saat bertarung.
[ Subjective Reality & Time Manipulation ]
Sama halnya dengan konteks Law Manip, <Ain Soph> Dapat membuat Dunia dan dapat membuat sesuatu apa saja melalui imajinasi dari pengguna nya,bahkan si pengguna pun dapat mengatur situasi yang diinginkan.
Note : Perbandingan waktu di dunia <Ain Soph> sangat jauh berbeda dengan dunia nyata, dari dialog dibawah ini dinyatakan bahwa mereka sudah melakukan kegiatan didunia tersebut selama 5 Jam, akan tetapi pernyataan dari Reine/Mio waktu yang berlalu diluar hanyalah beberapa menit saja.
『 Spatial Attack ( Spatial Manipulation ), Matter Manipulation, Existence Erasure 』
Mio dapat memanggil atau summon spacequake. Spacequake dari Mio juga merupakan spacequake dengan output terbesar serta rekor destruktif ter-atas daripada Spirit lain. Spacequake Mio setidaknya mampu melenyapkan 3 negara sekaligus dalam 1 serangan dan menyebabkan kematian hingga 150jt jiwa. Spacequake juga melenyapkan segala-nya yang ia lalui tanpa meninggalkan jejak sedikitpun.
Feats :
"Ahhhh... So it was a spacequake."
As if fed up, he shook his head.
A 'space earthquake' referred to the phenomenon of the shaking of a wide area.
It was the generic term given to explosions, quakes, vanishings, and such things that happen for unknown reasons at random times and places.
Like the whims of a large monster, destroying a street for the sake of it, these were extremely unreasonable phenomena.
The first occurrence of such an event was around thirty years ago.
It happened right smack in the middle of Eurasia—the region that had contained countries such as the Soviet Union, China, and Mongolia, causing them to have disappeared in a single night.
For Shidou's generation, just looking at the pictures in the textbook was unpleasant.
It was as if everything above ground had been scraped off, leaving absolutely nothing behind.
Casualties numbered about 150 million. It was the largest and deadliest catastrophe in human history.
Berkat Spacequake ini, Mio mendapatkan H6-B to 6-A.
Calculate :
『 Incorporeality 』
(1,2,3) ini adalah feats dimana Mio adalah pure incorporeality existence, manifestasi tubuh fisik hanyalah avatar belaka bagi Mio. Perwujudan fisik tercipta karna aliran Reiryoku yang besar sehingga dapat mewujudkan objek wadah dan tubuh layaknya manusia.
(3) Statement dimana Mio dilahirkan & diciptakan melalui spirit formula ( Spiritual Vein ), dan Spiritual Vein tersebut berupa mana atau lebih simpelnya dapat disebut sebagai energi alam (2).
Spiritual Vein sendiri adalah Reiryoku ( Spiritual Energy ), yang dapat mewujudkan Astral Dress, Angel dan limitasi kekebalan dari serangan fisik ( Ini gak gw sertakan lanjutannya disini karena gak penting, Gw hanya menjelaskan Mio yang berupa Incorporeality Existence ).
https://gyazo.com/c69b63cca4c36da902dd3245de716fb7 [1]
https://gyazo.com/abdcf96c574952b61c06ed735e99b4d5 [2]
https://gyazo.com/a60afffea1d4ddae93f82469c76cf27b [3]
『 Creation, Reality Warping, Law Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, All Thought-based Abilities 』
Angel Kedua Mio Takamiya.
Ain Soph (輪廻楽園 (アイン・ソフ): Rinne Rakuen lit. Samsara of Paradise)
Ain Soph adalah Angel yang dapat membuat Dunia beserta aturan, hukum serta different causality system.
Di Ain Soph, Mio dapat sesuka hati mengatur hukum & aturan sesuai kehendaknya. Ain Soph juga memberikan benefit berupa Mio yang dapat melakukan apa saja dengan hanya membayangkan keinginannya tersebut. Makhluk hidup yang sudah berada di Ain Soph di-katakan mustahil untuk bisa melarikan diri apalagi sampai menyerang Mio. Menyerang Mio di Ain Soph adalah sama hal-nya dengan melakukan bunuh diri, hal ini di-jelaskan secara singkat oleh Mio dengan per-umpamaan; makhluk yang sudah ada di territory Mio / Ain Soph di-ibaratkan sama seperti bagaimana orang tidak bisa bertahan hidup di bawah air atau apel yang jatuh dari pohon tidak bisa menghilang ke langit.
Feats :
“First Kurumi, then Kaguya and Yuzuru, and now even Mukuro have all been killed. The cruel reality made it difficult for Tohka’s heart to not be overwhelmed by her emotions.
At that moment, hearing Mana’s loud voice reverberate allowed Tohka to keep her reasoning intact.
Tohka’s eyes slightly moved towards the owner of that voice──Mana.
Her expression was marked by vigilance; there was not a trace of fear.
Tohka, who had instantly seen through Mana’s intention, kicked against the ground while sadly leaving Mukuro’s body behind.
Origami and Yoshino, who had likely also made the same judgement, also retreated to the rear just like Tohka.
Over here was Mio’s world. While staying in this space, no amount of courage was enough to oppose Mio. The act would be nothing more than to commit suicide. Whatever must be done next time, it was useless to discuss without first fleeing here.
Mio slowly raised her face while looking on at Tohka and the other’s actions.
“……Un, as expected of Mana. That was a good decision.”
While saying that, Mio slowly raised her hand.
“……Then, the order will be that anything in this world cannot leave.”
With that command, <Ain Soph> gave off a blurry light.
The next moment, Mana, who was trying to evacuate this world at a tremendous speed, struck the air as if being stopped by an invisible wall.
“Additional laws──!? Tch……it’s annoying how you get to do whatever you want.”
“……Ah, that’s right. This world will do anything that I imagine.”
Disini adalah scene yang menunjukan pertarungan antara Mio vs Tohka & Mukuro.
Disini terdapat Mukuro yang menyerang Mio secara beruntun menggunakan Angel yang dia miliki, Namun serangan itu justru malah menjadi ajal untuk Mukuro sendiri.
“At the same time Mukuro raised her voice, a “hole” in space opened up in front of her, swallowing in the tip of her staff.
Mukuro yelled out while turning her staff.
The Angel of the key <Michael> was extremely powerful. Whether tangible or intangible, anything could be sealed. ──Even if the object was the Spirit of Origin’s Angel <Ain Soph>.
It certainly seemed to be an impeccable first response towards an unknown enemy. However─
“……! Don’t do it, Mukuro!”
Tohka found herself semi-consciously crying out.
Despite not knowing the reason why. Despite not having any basis for that.
However, Tohka’s instincts and intuition sounded a sharp alarm.
At that moment─
Mukuro’s eyes opened wide in astonishment as she leaked out an anguished voice from her lips.
Staring at Mukuro, Tohka soon found out the reason.
She had stabbed the back of her neck through the tip of <Michael> swaying through the hole that had opened up in space.
“……It’s useless.”
As Tohka held her breath, Mio whispered softly.
“……Didn’t I say it? Here, the neighboring world has already overwritten this world. ──This is my world. Everything, all logic, all natural laws are different from the world you know. In my world, attacking <Ain Soph> has become impossible. ──Just like how people cannot survive underwater or apples falling from trees cannot disappear into the sky.”
『 Existence Erasure, Void Manipulation Type Conversion to Non-Existence, Bypass Law 』
Angel of Void • Ain (アイン)
Angel yang tidak mempunyai bentuk fisik.
Kemampuan dari Ain ialah mampu nge-erase existence into nothingness atau mampu menghapus eksistensi menjadi non-existence atau ketiadaan. Ain juga mampu menghapus musuh dan mengabaikan segala hukum.
Feats :
In moments.
Light filled the entire world.
“……! Tohka……!?”
──At that moment, equipped with her throne as armor, Tohka swung her sword towards Mio as the different space was whitened by light.
Blown away by Mio, Shidou inadvertently covered his eyes as he shouted Tohka’s name.
Then, he didn’t know how much time had passed.
When Shidou opened his eyes, there was Mio's silhouette with her Astral Dress torn and her body covered with blood.
The trepidation and sympathy to Mio's painful form, while also the excitement by Tohka's attack landing on it’s the target, the two emotions simultaneously surrounded his heart.
But immediately, Shidou's consciousness was dominated by an unpleasant sensation that followed.
“Toh, ka……..?”
“──Like I said, she already no longer exists. Not blown to a certain place, nor killed──but rather vanished into nothingness.”
“The void Angel <Ain> ignores all laws and eradicates the target completely.
──Let me say it again, Tohka is gone, no longer a part of anywhere in this world .”
『 •Portal Creation, Black Hole Creation, Matter Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Battle Field Removal, Space Time Manipulation, Interdimensional Range.』
<Michael> — <Solution-Jerez> [1], <Raataibu Unlock> & <Solution-Jerez> mampu membuka portal yang tujuannya diatur ke lubang hitam, tarikan dari portal ini juga menjamin pembusukan segala jenis material dan semua hal didunia akan kembali menuju ketiadaan.[2]
Michael juga dinyatakan mampu mengubah tatanan ruang-waktu untuk membuka ruang, Sehingga Michael dapat dengan mudah membuka portal yang berisi black hole dimana-saja. Selain Black Hole, Portal ini juga dapat diatur tujuannya sesuai keinginan Mukuro / Pengguna Michael.[3]
Lock or Unlock dari Angel Michael juga mengabaikan konsep jarak, Jadi Lock or Unlock dapat dilakukan dari dimensi A ke dimensi B.[4]
https://gyazo.com/d772648126d0c271b53b4c8f4cc56359 [1]
https://gyazo.com/4a1588daf7e38562b4e6b03e9885f247 [2]
https://gyazo.com/29d1be5ca26bf758b15251d3471dcd76 [3]
https://gyazo.com/304fd8a6897228bf5f7584dd2319d2fa [4]
[ Omniscient, Information Analysis, Precognition ]
Rasiel, Omniscient Angel.
Angel yang dapat mengetahui segalanya yang ada di dunia ini. Selain itu, Rasiel juga mampu memprediksi masa depan, Sebagai contoh adalah pernyataan Nia (Formerly Rasiel User) yang sudah mengetahui bahwasannya Shido akan berjalan ke suatu tempat dan bertemu dengan Nia disana.
“<Tome of Revelation– Rasiel>”
The moment she called the name, something appeared in Nia’s hand. It was a book.
It was a large book which looked like a scripture. Its cover was made from a mysterious material which is neither leather nor metal. Just like Nia’s astral dress, the book had a cross design applied on it.
“That’s……..an angel?”
“Right. My angel <Rasiel>, the omniscient angel that knows everything in this world.”
Hearing Nia’s words, Shidou knits his eyebrows.
“Omniscient……………..? What does that mean?”
“Well, even if you ask me. It’s just like reading a book. <Rasiel> can tell me all things in this world. It knows what occurs in this world. It also knows who and what they’re doing. For example-----Right, at that time when you finished your shopping, I knew that you would pass through that street.”
“Cara kerja Rasiel kaya gimana sih ?”
Cara kerja Rasiel itu seperti mesin pencarian masa kini, Yup, Google.
Pengguna dapat mengetahui apa saja sesuai yang ia inginkan melalui Rasiel.
[ Reality Warping, Future Describing / Fate Manipulation ]
Nia mampu mengatur / menulis masa depan sesuka hatinya, Semua yang Nia tulis juga akan menjadi kenyataan sesuai yang ia mau.
Kekuatan Angel ini bahkan sudah tidak bisa disandingkan dengan kekuatan biasa, Melainkan sudah setara dengan level kekuatan Tuhan.
“And then she taps <Rasiel> front cover lightly, intending to show the page to Shidou.
In the page, there was an illustration similar to a manga that Nia drew moments ago. Furthermore, there was a character resembling Shidou and Nia drawn, ----Not only that, there was also drawn a detail that’s even similar to what just occurred moments ago.
“T-This is……….”
“Future describing. I already said it, right? Everything written on <Rasiel> is truth. ----Right. For example, something newly written on it is as well.”
“………..!? W-What did you say……….!?”
Shidou lets out a surprised voice. Of course he would. If something like that really exists, that’s means Nia can create the future according to her will. That’s even isn’t something on a terrible level anymore, but on the level of a God instead.
< Additional Feats >
Penguat Feats mengenai kekuatan Nia yang dikategorikan setara seperti kekuatan dewa / tuhan karna ia mampu mengendalikan masa depan.
“I'm writing the future.”
Shidou was amazed at her words. Future description- that was one of Nia’s (godly) abilities which allowed her to realize whatever she wrote on Rasiel.
“It's functional?!”
“This is indeed <Rasiel>’s strongest ability; therefore”
[ Passive & Instant Teleportation ]
Metatron dapat melakukan teleportasi secara pasif & instant ketika ada yang memicu pengguna Metatron tersebut.
Karena ini pertama kali bagi Origami, Origami saja sampai kaget dengan apa yang baru saja terjadi padanya.
“She didn’t have the leisure to hold back her strength. Tohka grabbed <Sandalphon> with both her hands and slashed at Origami with all her might.
But-----There was no feeling.
The moment <Sandalphon> touched Origami’s Astral dress, Origami’s appearance turned to light and disappeared; she then appeared a few meters back from her original position.
Tohka was not the only one opening her eyes in dismay. Even Origami who avoided the attack was distorting her expression in astonishment. It seems that happening was also unexpected for Origami too.”
“Apakah Instant Teleport & Passive ini dapat dilakukan secara spamming ?” Bisa.
Origami dapat dengan mudah menghindari seluruh tembakan Kurumi berkat Passive & Instant Teleportation dari Metatron ini.
“But, the moment Origami’s soft skin was about to take the bullet, her body turned to light and disappeared; the shadow bullet lost its target and sliced straight into the night sky.
After a moment, Kurumi immediately turned behin her.-----Origami who disappeared just now, was standing there.”
[ Light Manipulation, Danmaku ]
Basic power Metatron adalah memanipulasi cahaya. Pengguna-nya dapat mengatur agar dapat menyerang dengan segala opsi serta bervariatif. Metatron juga mampu di-atur untuk mengepung musuhnya dan menghujani-nya dengan partikel cahaya destruktif.
“Origami spread both her hands out. As if to match that action, the tip of the crown above her head expanded and made a circle that looks like the sun.
Origami silently announced that. In an instant, the Angel forming a ring above Origami’s head started to spin and release light particles around.
Tohka spread out her left hand and made a wall around her with Spirit energy. After an instant, crazy amount of light particles were poured down at her from Origami’s angel.
It was such a beautiful and extremely destructive rain. Each drop was clusters of Spirit energy capable of tremendous power and several thousands of it continued overrunning the ground without pause.
The asphalt road. The thrown away vehicle. The houses lined up. The fair Angel did not let any of them off the hook. The familiar city scenery was easily destroyed like paper touched by rain.”
^ Additional Feat.
Light beam yang di-lepaskan Metatron secara terus menerus bahkan tidak memberikan ruang bagi Tohka untuk melakukan deffending sehingga individu yang menjadi musuh Origami di-sini akan mengalami kesulitan untuk bertahan akibat serangan bertubi-tubi tanpa henti dari Metatron. Bahkan light beam Metatron juga mampu menghancurkan Astral Dress Tohka.
Surrounding Tohka with a "laser cage" and firing from all directions.
“Tohka made a short shout and swung <Sandalphon>. It will be too late if she made a wall anyways and------intuitively, Tohka sensed that she could not block this attack with her wall.
She used <Sandalphon> to slash away the approaching light. But, the numbers were too much. The lights beams she could not manage to handle, pierced into her left shoulder and right leg.
Sharp pain. She didn’t need to see it to know that her Astral dress has been broken.
However, Origami’s attack did not lighten. The wings behind Origami spread up, down, left, and right, after Origami swung her hand from above straight downwards.
The same time Origami shouted, the separated <Metatron> flied freely around the sky as if it was equipped with its own will and released beams from all directions. It looked like she was captured in a cage made by laser grids. What’s more, it was a prison that was able to cause her to cut through her bones and flesh if she touches the grids.”
[ Range Dozen of Kilometers with Light Abilities ]
Light beam Origami memiliki jangkauan yang luas dan jauh.
Pada feat berikut, di-nyatakan bahwa Origami dapat meluncurkan countless beam yang dapat menghancurkan seluruh kota Tenguu;
“Right now in the Tenguu City of his original time, a great disaster was attacking. Countless beams were shot down from an Inversed Origami, who suddenly appeared in the sky and was messing up the whole city into rubble.”
“Well-----That’s true; it’s terrible on this side. It’s only scorched earth from what I can see. No matter how hell looks, it probably doesn’t look as gruesome as this.”
Dan untuk ukuran serta luas kota Tenguu kamu bisa liat dan evaluasi pada link berikut;
(Step 1: Tenguu Size)
Dan conclusion di-sini serangan Origami melalui Light Abilities or Metatron Angel’s mendapatkan jangkauan hingga 45.7km atau dozen of kilometers.
[ Transmutation ]
Haniel milik Natsumi memiliki kemampuan yang dapat mengubah manusia menjadi buku manga.
[ Shadow Manipulation, Life Absorption ]
Kekuatan lain dari Zafkiel ialah mampu memanipulasi bayangan, Bayangan tersebut mampu menyerap kehidupan musuhnya & melemahkan daya tahannya.[1]
Luas area yang mampu di-cakup Shadow + Life Absorption ini setidaknya juga mampu menyelimuti 1 bangunan utuh gedung sekolah SMA Raizen beserta halamannya. [2], sayang sekali gw tidak mempunyai calculation mengenai radius pasti, namun jika kita ambil logika maka Shadow + Life Absorption ini bisa menjangkau area dalam radius ratusan meter.
Aktifasi dari Shadow + Life Absorption ini juga berbasis thought-based.[3]
https://gyazo.com/4584b9c6b4d7d11b72c3f91d84814b07 [1]
https://gyazo.com/f7ec69f34fc90401f4831dc296d15502 [2]
https://imgur.com/a/sJQISVy [3]
>> Statistic
[ Attack Potency ]
Large Star Level.
Mio dapat nge-overwrite dunia dengan Ain Soph. Ain Soph Mio juga memiliki suasana yang skema-nya mirip seperti main world, yang mana terdapat matahari dan pantai di-dalamnya. [1][2].
https://gyazo.com/0edb4813d554df15802e0b52fa5bd1af [1]
https://gyazo.com/a42451cb7b2e22c405cb0ccf07e07b2a [2]
Menjelaskan kenapa <ain soph> itu Low 2-C
The omniscient Demon King <Beelzebub>. As long as the owner asks for it, it was a Demon King that contained knowledge of all things in the universe. Depending on the poor devious tactic used, there was the possibility of Shidou willingly throwing himself into a greater dilemma.
If one were to try and break it down──there were likely only two methods.
One way would be to attack with a method that Westcott didn’t even think of.
Although <Beelzebub> is indeed a Demon King capable of collecting all information in this world, its authority will not be demonstrated unless the user requested for it. In other words, there was the opportunity of striking with something Westcott did not even expect.
Tenka/Inverse Tohka rewrote the world by displacing an alternate one on its place using Mio's Sephira Crystal:
“──This world is not the world where we come from, but a world created by the hands of a certain person──that is what I wanted to say.”
After that, they remained silent for a brief moment.
Shidou’s missing voice leaked out from his throat.
No, not just Shidou. Even Kotori and Mana both had a stunned look as if unable to comprehend what Kurumi was saying.
“W-what are you talking about Kurumi? This isn’t our original world……?”
“Exactly. DEM’s Isaac Westcott dreamt of overwriting the world with the neighboring world──although it is different from what he intended, that person has achieved something close to that.”
Isaac Westcott. Just hearing that name caused Shidou’s pulse to accelerate.
The leader of DEM industries and the Magician that began everything. The main culprit for the creation of Spirits. His goal was to ‘rewrite’ the world into a world for Magicians by using the power of the Spirits.
It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Shidou and the others had fought in order to stop that goal.
In order to protect their world, Shidou and the Spirits choose to stand up against that powerful enemy.
Even so, the world still had been rewritten without their knowledge──?
Shidou placed his hand against his forehead in an effort to manage these confusing thoughts.
“Wait a minute. Even if this is true, how were you able to notice this?”
Mana knitted her brow while asking in a state of bewilderment.
Certainly, this question had a point. Before being told by Kurumi, Shidou and the others had no doubts about this world. As Kurumi had said, with the valiant power to usurp and alter the world, it would be strange that only Kurumi had noticed this.
But Kurumi seemed to expect that someone would ask this as she nodded while stretching out her hand.
“It’s a total coincidence that I approached the truth, it was entirely a side effect. But……I can guarantee I am not making a mistake of any assumption. ──Did you forget? The noble name of the omniscient Angel.”
While saying that, Kurumi opened her palm.
After calling out that name, a book with a luxurious decoration appeared in front of Kurumi’s hands.
The Angel <Rasiel>. An omniscient Angel that contained all information in this world.
It was originally an Angel owned by Nia, but after plundered the Sephira Crystal Isaac Westcott had stolen from Nia, Kurumi had now become a unique Spirit that could use two Angels.
Seeing this scene, Shidou held his breath. Certainly, by using <Rasiel>, it was possible to discover a hidden truth.
Of course, the possibility of Kurumi lying wasn’t zero. But it wasn’t just Kurumi who could use <Rasiel>. After receiving reiryoku from Mio, Nia also returned to the extent of being able to use <Rasiel> again. As long as it wasn’t for the purpose of scaring Shidou and the others…...Kurumi wouldn’t lie.
But in that case, there was another problem.
“W-who……is it and how──”
Shidou uttered his words in a stunned manner.
It was a natural question. Mio who controlled the neighboring world and Westcott who had obtained the same power as her, had both died in the previous battle. The Spirits all had their powers sealed in Shidou and it goes without saying that Shidou wouldn’t have rewritten the world.
At least within the scope of his thoughts, there was no one else who could have achieved such a grand vision and certainly no one who would have motives for doing so.
Shidou turned to Kurumi looking for an answer, but Kurumi merely sighed while looking directly at Shidou.
“It’s easy for me to give you a direct answer, but no matter how I phrase it you’ll likely won’t believe me.”
“No, even if you say that, if you don’t tell us anything──”
“Please listen until I finish. ──Rather than asking me, it’s better if you look at it yourself.”
Immediately after the battle was over. On the battlefield where Mio disappeared. Mio’s Sephira Crystal fell in front of Shidou and the others.
Yes. There were no differences in his memories up to that point. Mio’s Sephira Crystal should have disappeared here── “…………!?” But. Something unexpected jumped in front of Shidou’s vision.
A hand. A hand that that had stretched out towards the dying Sephira Crystal.
(──Sorry, but I’ll be taking this.)
That──voice. A clear voice resounded in his mind. Shidou quickly turned to the other side. And he saw it. He saw the owner of that hand and voice.
Aah, that person is── “────Toh, ka────” At the same time the scene unfolding in his mind was filled by a tremendous light, Shidou had half-consciously called out that name.
“Tohka-san──it’s her?"
Shidou’s words caused both Kotori and Mana to tighten their brows.
But it wasn’t as if he didn’t understand their response. If he hadn’t faced his own memories, Shidou would have likely had the same reaction.
The scene just seen now was so far detached from reality
──Tohka. The first Spirit Shidou had sealed excluding Kotori from five years ago, she had supported Shidou countless times through each crisis. It was no exaggeration to say that without her support, Shidou’s heart would have yielded long ago.
It was because of this that it was so hard to believe. Even anyone else would have seen more likely, but it was Tohka who had taken Mio’s Sephira Crystal and changed the world── “──That’s what I meant.” Perhaps sensing Shidou’s confusion, Kurumi shrugged her shoulders. ……I see, certainly the actual experience from <Zafkiel> made it more suitable than <Rasiel>.
“Here is……a world that Tohka created? By using the power of Mio’s Sephira Crystal……?”
As Shido muttered to himself, Kurumi made an exaggerated nod while lowering her eyes down.
“Yes. There’s no doubt that this is the world that Tohka-san has dreamt up. It is an ideal space where all problems are resolved in a cohesive way and all concerns are naturally removed.”
“Why would she…….want to do this……?”
Shidou was left stunned.
Of course, this world was very different from the one that Westcott had envisioned. It was a dream world that had the same appearance as the original world, but with all problems removed or resolved. In a sense, it could be described as a Tohka style world.
But that didn’t mean he was convinced. In the end, it wasn’t like Tohka to take Mio’s Sephira Crystal to rewrite the world.
This alternate world is said to both have a different space:
It had already been confirmed that Tokisaki Kurumi and the Yamai sisters had been killed by the Spirit of Origin. But to think in such a short amount of time──
“……Wait a minute, are this all of the visuals?”
“Yes, at least all that we have right now.”
In response to the crew member’s retort, Karen placed her hand against her chin.
It might have just been a mistake. Or perhaps that person did not encounter the Spirit of Origin yet.
But certainly──when determining the number of corpses displayed on the visual, there was one person missing from the number of Spirits that had entered the different space.
──Slowly, slowly swaying back and forth
──Quickly, quickly turning around.
It was a space where one couldn’t tell where was up or down. The sensation of swimming in lukewarm water, the invasive feeling of being sucked into darkness, it was a mysterious state of coexistence.
No──it wasn’t just the orientation of this space.
There was the feeling of a lack of ownership in one’s own body. A sense of incompatibility where the slightest hint of carelessness would cause a person’s hands and feet to dissolve into this world.
and a different flow of time:
Although Tenka raised her eyebrow in suspicion, she kept talking as if saying, “Well, fine”.
“I used that woman’s power to no more just make a boundary. ──A world where time advances differently than the real world.”
“The progression of time is different……?”
“Ah. Takamiya Mio’s Sephira Crystal was already collapsing. It would have been able to keep its presence for a few more minutes at most. So I manipulated the speed of time within this boundary to extend time for as long as possible. The month you spent in this world is only about three minutes in the real world.”
“──I, see……”
Listening to what Tenka had said, Shidou took in a long deep breath to reflect his understanding.
The fact that Mio’s Sephira Crystal will collapse in a few minutes……. essentially meant the end of Tohka’s life.
That was why Tenka snatched away Mio’s Sephira Crystal and created this world.
[ Durrability ]
Compare with Attack Potency.
Update Terbaru : 17 Juli 2022
By : HamzZ
Publish : Fabyo
Tambahan : Jika ada perubahan tentang char diatas, segera konfirmasi langsung ke COG COMMUNITY
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