SCP-682 - Respect Thread



Nama: SCP-682, "Reptil yang Sulit Dihancurkan" | Naga, Pengasingan Musim Panas, Keangkuhan Gaoler, Naga Terakhir, Reptilia Supernus, Levon Tarasque, Pengasingan Daging, Anak Hilang yang Pemberontak, Ibu Kematian, Atanti-ql-Paneu | SCP-6820-A

Asal: Yayasan SCP

Jenis Kelamin: Hermafrodit | Tidak ada | Tidak relevan

Umur: Tidak diketahui | Setua alam semesta | Tidak relevan

Klasifikasi: Entitas Anomali Kelas Keter | Anak dari Pengantin Merah Keempat | Kompleks Meme, Ide Abstrak | Konstanta Pemutusan. SCP-682 adalah makhluk besar mirip reptil dengan kemampuan regeneratif dan adaptif yang sangat kuat. Salah satu SCP paling terkenal yang diketahui Yayasan, SCP-682 benar-benar mustahil untuk dibunuh. SCP-682 memiliki kebencian terhadap semua kehidupan, karena memandang mereka sebagai manusia memandang kecoak serta telah disiksa oleh mereka selama beberapa dekade.


>> Cosmology

1. Physical Reality.

• Mempunyai tumpukan Narrative yang jumlahnya Infinite dan menerapi R>F: It is unlikely that we will ever know anything about the being or beings that supersede us (if they even exist), not in any tangible way, let alone any being that would supersede them. It may very well be that we are just one of an infinite number of realities, stacked on top of each other in every direction, influencing those below us and being influenced by those above us. This echelon, upon which sits ourselves and everything that ever was or will be, would likely be the most fundamental aspect of the organization of creation. The very foundation of all things.


• Dan setiap naratif ini melampaui konsep "Higher Dimensions: _Unfortunately, the world is not dynamic. Everything's already over, I've already read it. All of this? It's just going through the motions. This is just a tiny subset of the world at large. I'd call it the 'real' word, but it's just as real as we are in here. The larger space that we're in... much larger, in fact, uncountably infinite expanses in uncountably infinite dimensions... we

Fill that space. And yet, here, we're discretised. Collapsed into words and nothing more, even if we're something so much greater._(

• Dan SCP-3812 mengtrascend semua tumpukan naratif ini secara Infinite kali: I wrote the laws of your universe, and as such I created the narrative. This isn't the first time I've done this, but it was the first time I tried something like this specifically. I wanted to create something that, by definition, superseded everything that superseded it. I wanted to see how many layers there are, if the stack of narratives really do go on forever upward. The mistake I made was when I didn't realize that by making Him supersede everything that supersedes Him, He's also superseding himself.

I'm sorry, I think I've fucked up pretty badly this time. I've tried everything I can think of, but I can't undo Him. I don't really understand how, but I think He's above me now, and whatever is above me, too, because whoever wrote my narrative isn't happy about this. I don't know where He's at now, but I think He exists in all of our realities simultaneously. Eventually He'll either reach the top or just keep going, and neither option is good.(

Konklusi: Hierarki ini mencapai 1-A hingga 1-A+.

2. IS.

• IS telah diimplikasikan sebagai realita puncak di Kaktusverse: A lot of this is focused on this idea that humans are almost characteristically good at finding patterns where patterns don't exist. People who hear sounds in static, see shapes in clouds, that sort of thing. Our brains are so good at it and it's one of the reasons we've developed the way we have as a species.

So this is just that idea taken to its logical end. The human brain, when faced with an area where there is literally nothing, furiously begins to fill in the blank with something that it understands. For the sake of this article, that something is the Russian wilderness, a convenient backdrop that is already there. The same goes with things that enter the void; it doesn't make sense for them to just not be there, so the mind fills in the gaps.

But this process isn't perfect, just like we're not, so errors begin to form. As more and more of those errors build up, residual consciousness accumulates on the edge of the void. This consciousness isn't real, but it feels real, for both us an the consciousness itself. At small enough values, this consciousness isn't strong enough to draw conclusions about its own quasi existence. But if more begins to build up, and it realizes the paradox of its very being (or lack thereof), it suffers immensely. It begins to scream, and it begins to hate, and it hates nothing more than us. Not only are we the ones who made it real enough to experience this horror, but we're also very real. That envy and that malevolence only makes the hate stronger. Thus, a pattern screamer is born.

_So much of this is tied into the sort of djkaktus brand hierarchy of the SCPverse. In 3812 I talk at length about how reality looks as you ascend it, but this (and, to a certain extent, 3000) are about what's at the bottom. Reality rests on an endless void, and between that void and what can be considered

real is the hard line between what is, and what isn't. We are what is, and the void (and anything that passes beyond it) and, again, to a certain extent Anantashesha, are what isn't. Pattern screamers are the film that forms between those two things. They neither are, or are not. They're not real enough to self actualize, but not unreal enough so as to not exist and thus not have any agency in the narrative.(

• Dan adanya The Serpent, wujud "informasi"[1], adalah juga representasi dari kebenaran "IS"[2]: 

[1] = *You call the Serpent what you call it because that is how you perceive it, but that is not what it is. The Serpent is the avatar of one of the universal facets of reality; information. The idea that ideas can exist at all, or that all things have inherent truths about them." It paused. "Below here is the emptiness outside of life and death, nothingness. The Serpent's silent brother is the lord of that quiet oblivion. Anything that ventures there ceases to exist at all."_(

[2] = _IS. That is what we called it. You have seen wonders beyond belief,

I am sure, but there were only ever two true gods. IS, and IS NOT. They are not beings, not ideas. They are truths. There are things that are, and things that aren't. When the work of IS was completed, the remnant of that truth became the Serpent - a being whose purpose is only to study that from whence it came, and learn those lost truths about itself. The other, IS NOT, was a shadow of IS. The two cannot exist without each other. IS NOT encompasses IS, it is the long nothing that stretches out beyond the world and further. Together, they are the truest knowledge there is - everything that ever was or was not, all at once. When those truths were first realized, this world came into being._(

Konklusi: Disini The Serpent udah minimal selevel/lebih tinggi dari SCP-3812, jadi 1-A+, possibly High 1-A.

3. Noosphere.

• Seperti yang dijelaskan tadi, Noosphere adalah sub/ruang yang mencakupi "Informasi", "Idea", dan pikiran manusia: 

1. The collective of all human consciousness and thoughts. (

2. The collective of information shared by all human consciousness. ( 

• Dan SCP-3125 digambarkan sebagai entitas terkuat diseluruh Noosphere: Graves goes on. "You convinced us that this had to be done. And that you had to be at the center. You were prepared to make the sacrifice." He opens the document to a page in the back. The eyeball of his germ roves the page rapidly and finds the passage he wants. "Allow me to quote your own words to you: 'SCP-3125 represents an omniversal-scale threat. It threatens neighbouring realities to ours. It threatens microverses within our macroverse. It threatens universes which embed ours as fiction—'"(

Konklusi: Jadi, dikarnakan disini kita bisa asumsikan perwujudan The Serpent itu masoh bergantung ke "Noosphere" sebagai dirinya yang wujud sebagai "informasi", Noosphere seharusnya udh trascend ini, mendapati High 1-A.


>> Feats & Ability

*• Extreme Reactive Evolution and Adaptation*

Ini adalah ability utama SCP-682, ability SCP-682 yang jadiin dia bisa berevolusi dari berbagai macam keadan dimanapun, kapanpun, dan bagaimanapun itu. SCP-682 juga pernah di test buat dibunuh sebanyak 100+, dan 100+ itu beneran ada featsnya 1 per 1, bukan statement. Bahkan bukan hanya bertahan hidup dan berevolusi, tapi juga berhasil meniru ability dari lawan atau bahkan mengambil ability nya secara permanen. 70% featsnya ada disini Nanti gw jelasin beberapa yang penting.



*• Acausality Type 1*

Kebal terhadap SCP-2140, yang secara instan menulis ulang masa lalu dari apa pun yang bersentuhan secara visual dengannya:


*• Resistance: Absorption, Poison Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Transmutation, Conceptual Manipulation Type 1, Law Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Vektor Manipulation, Magic/Soul Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Subjective Reality, Sealing, Existence Erasure, Anti-Matter Manipulation, Statistics Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Petrification, Disease Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Causality Manipulation[1], Reality Warping[2], Radiation Manipulation[3], Plot Manipulation[4] BFR [5], Mind Manipulation[6], Possession[7].*

• [1] <>

• [2] <>

• [3] <>

• [4] <>

• [5] <>

• [6] <>

• [7] <>


*• Immortality type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 8, 9*

Distate bahwa cara kerja kehidupan dan kematian dari SCP-682 tidak sama dengan rata rata cara kerja pada mahluk hidup normal. SCP-682 dapat bangkit kembali setelah terkena Death manipulationnya dari SCP-689:


*• Resistance To Plot Manipulation And Plot Manipulation*

Sebuah buku tentang monster yang secara khusus dapat membunuh 682 secara permanen yang digunakan bersama dengan SCP-826 tidak dapat membunuhnya . Sebuah kaset tentang 682 sekarat yang digunakan bersama dengan SCP-3922 tidak dapat menunjukkan cara untuk membunuhnya . Tersirat bahwa Entitas Swann tidak mampu memahami perubahan apa pun yang telah dibuat 682 pada Narasi dan itu ada dalam keadaan yang mirip dengan *Schrödinger cat*, di mana perubahan Narasi yang dibuat olehnya hanya dapat dirasakan

Oke di atas terlihat seperti resistansi oke saya akan jelaskan dulu *Schrödinger's Cat* 


Scrödinger cat ini diciptakan oleh Erwin Scrödinger untuk mendeskripsikan dunia quantum yang sangat sulit untuk dipahami.

Erwin meletakkan seekor kucing kedalam sebuah kotak yang mempunyai pereputan nuklear yang mana chance untuk meletup adalah 50% dan 50% lagi tidak. Kemudian Erwin menutup semula kotak tersebut.

Erwin ingin menyampaikan bahawa selagi seseorang tidak melihat atau observed kucing yang di dalam kotak tersebut maka kucing tersebut berada dalam keadaan superposisi atau andaian. Yang mana kucing tersebut bisa disimpulkan sedang hidup dan mati secara bersamaan dan akan menghasilkan sebuah paradox. Semua makhluk hidup itu tidak bisa hidup dan mati secara bersamaan yang mana jika ia hidup maka ia hidup manakala jika dia mati dia mati.

Erwin menganggap experiment tersebut sangatlah absurb dan gila dan berhenti dalam melakukan experiment tersebut. Tapi tanpa disedari oleh dirinya, experimentnya tersebut telah membantu banyak ahli fisika dalam penyelesaian tentang teori quantum seperti contohnya cahaya yang merupakan gelombang dan particle secara bersamaan selagi tiada orang yang observed sifat photon/cahaya itu sendiri. 

Dan terdapat beberapa tafsiran yang ada untuk menyelesaikan masalah paradox superposisi ini dan diantaranya adala Many Worlds Interpretations (MWI) yang merupakan faktor teori multiverse bisa ada.

Jadi bisa di asumsikan scp-682 punya plot manip.


*• High-Godly Regeneration*

Pernah dihapus dari sejarah 2x

Pertama dihapus sama SCP-5871:

Take a note, kemaren pada protes karena bawa scan dari youtube. Well ini bukan masalah selama sumber youtubenya emang akurat. Lagian juga ini jadi lebih singkat karena cuman harus liat video 15 detik doang dari pada baca cerpen 5 paragraf, dan juga nguntungin buat gw karena gak perlu nyari scannya yang ribet.

Disitu tunjuk kalo 682 dipadam dari History, Atau di Existence Erasure oleh SCP-6871 hingga ketahap History tapi masih bisa Regenerasi:


Saat berkali kali melewati percobaan pembunuhan, SCP-682 berhasil copy dan ambil beberapa ability, diantaranya:

*• Sound Manipulation, Power Mimicry, Power Absorption, Absorption & Darkness Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Explosion Manipulation, Duplication, Shapeshifting, Resurrection, Illusion Creation, Biological Manipulation, and Heat Manipulation, Power Nullifcation[1], Causality Manipulation[2] Dimensional Travel[3], Information Manipulation Type 2[4], Reality Warping, Space Time Manipulation, & Black Hole Creation[5], Body Control & Temperature Manipulation[6], Antimatter Manipulation[7], Mind Manipulation & Memory Manipulation[8], Power Mimicry[9].*

Dan yang dilist itu baru 60% dari ability yang ia copy, karena ngolah featsnya buat nambahin.

Feats lengkap dan penjelasannya ada disini:



• [1]

• [2]

• [3]

• [4]

• [5]

• [6]

• [7]

• [8]

• [9]


*• Immortality type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 8, 9*

Distate bahwa cara kerja kehidupan dan kematian dari SCP-682 tidak sama dengan rata rata cara kerja pada mahluk hidup normal. SCP-682 dapat bangkit kembali setelah terkena Death manipulationnya dari SCP-689:


>> Statistic

[ Attack Potency ]

*《 Universe level via Reactive Evolution, Adaptation, and Power Absorption 》*

Dinyatakan di sini bahwa SCP-682 adalah Konstanta Universal, dan ketika mati, alam semesta yang didiaminya akan tidak ada lagi.



[ Speed ]

*《 Massively FTL+ via Reactive Evolution, Adaptation and Power Absorption 》*

Mampu beradaptasi untuk dilempar dengan kecepatan cahaya. Di Adaptation menjadi sebesar Saturnus dan mampu dengan mudah melintasi tata surya. Tumbuh menjadi cukup besar untuk mengerdilkan beberapa Galaxy secara bersamaan.



[ Durability ]

*《 Universe level via Reactive Evolution, Adaptation, and Power Absorption 》*

Menyatakan bahwa tidak mungkin menghancurkan SCP-682 tanpa menyebabkan kerusakan serius atau menghancurkan Universe secara langsung.



[ Stamina ]

*《 Limitless 》*

Karena sifat SCP-682 yang sangat agresif, adaptif, dan cerdas, pengujian penghentian telah diperintahkan, dengan izin dari O5 Command. Dengan kekhawatiran utama tentang kemungkinan kekebalan yang berkembang (karena kegagalan SCP-409) dan kemungkinan adaptasi, semua tes harus terlebih dahulu dilakukan pada sampel jaringan yang diambil dari SCP-682. Langkah ini dapat dilewati hanya dengan perintah Perintah O5.

Feats dibawah scp-682 menunjukan bahwa stamina scp-682 limitless. 




By : Christian

Publish : Fabyo


Tambahan : Jika ada perubahan tentang char diatas, segera konfirmasi langsung ke COG COMMUNITY


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